Introducing Testing Trapeze

Dear readers, if any remain, I have been busy.

I obviously haven't managed a blog for a while, here's why:

Testing Trapeze

Probably the main reason is that I have helped to establish a new bi-monthly magazine which gives a voice to high-flying testers in Australia and New Zealand. We've just published our second issue, and given I manage the layout and design of each edition as well as reviewing, copy editing and general dogsbodying, it's been a busy couple of months pulling them together (especially as I contributed an article to our first issue).

I urge you to check out the magazine if you've not yet picked it up - I'm very proud of the work done by all involved, and the fantastic articles should more than make up for my lack of writing recently!


I am also currently in the midst of completing the BBST Foundations course through the Association for Software Testing. For those who don't know what this is, it's an online course based mainly on work by Cem Kaner and James Bach and notoriously requires a significant investment of time and effort to complete. I can certainly vouch for that reputation but I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience.

I'll hopefully blog about the experience once I complete the course, and I have certainly been storing up some ideas and inspiration I've picked up from my learning and observations during the lessons and projects.

Let's Test Oz

I'm also incredibly honoured - and slightly terrified - to have been selected as one of the speakers at Let's Test Oz, the inaugural down under edition of the ultimate context-driven testing conference. It takes place in September and the lineup of speakers is quite simply phenomenal.

I'm really excited to attend, and would urge any local (or even non-local) testers who can make the trip to join me there! I just need to work on my talk... only 152 days to go!

Work, life and stuff...

In addition to all that, life and work continues on as normal. I'm currently getting my teeth into a new project which is presenting a series of interesting challenges (and inspiring future blog posts) and have also picked up a few extra responsibilities internally at work too, so there's plenty going on, and plenty of learning happening.


Hopefully I'll be back posting soon. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy our magazine (oh, and the new look of this blog)!


Visual Test Modelling


On Time & Requirements: A Discussion