
This page houses an incomplete collection of the things I’ve written on the internet over the years.

Please forgive the lackadaisical state of the images whose hosting has expired and links that don’t resolve. The freely hosted internet is a fickle place.

  • Sola Virtus Invicta

    The testing-related blog I kept fairly erratically for a few years, before abandoning it for quite a while. If I say so myself, there’s some old gold buried there.

  • They Think It's All Over...

    During my uni days I wrote a blog about football. The idea was to write more thoughtful football commentary than the click-baity tabloid stuff that was online back then.

  • Testing Trapeze

    in 2014 I co-founded a testing magazine that ran for three years. I was the chief designer and editor of the magazine throughout, and am proud we gave a voice to some great people.