

If you’d like me to speak at your upcoming event, get in touch.

Catch me at these upcoming events…

  • Nothing in the books just now…

I’ve been lucky enough to speak at lots of events. Here’re the ones I remember.

  • NZ Tech Rally
    (Wellington, NZ | 07/07/2023)
    Fostering a quality quality culture
    Here I talked about my journey helping to shape a culture of quality engineering in my work at Xero, and ultimately share a model through which others might do the same in their domain and organisation.

  • TiCCA 19
    (Melbourne, Aus | 01.03.19)
    Exploratory Testing: LIVE
    Another round of live exploratory testing, this time at the Testing in Context Conference Australia (TiCCA), run by AST. I demonstrated how skilled exploring is a conscious and considered craft.

  • WeTest Conference 2018
    (Wellington & Auckland, NZ | 23 & 25.10.19)
    Building Super Testers
    As well as serving as the Programme Chair for NZ's largest testing conference, I also ran a panel session that called upon a panel of the conference's speakers to identify the diverse attributes they look for in "super testers".

  • TestBash Australia
    (Sydney, Aus | 19.10.18)
    Exploratory Testing: LIVE
    I took my live exploratory testing roadshow to Sydney for the first TestBash conference in Australia, showing how skilled exploratory testing is a conscious science, not a mystical art.

  • CASTx18
    (Melbourne, Aus | 01.03.18)
    Automated Agility?! Let's talk truly agile testing.
    I traveled to CASTx18 in Melbourne to again give a talk about building agility into the practice of testing. Looking at how testing has largely failed to fundamentally adapt to the agile revolution and opted for "faster" rather than "smarter", I proposed a genuinely agile strategy for testing.

  • WeTest Workshops
    (Auckland, NZ | 15.11.17)
    Automated Agility?! Let's talk truly agile testing.
    I took my talk on truly agile testing strategies to Auckland for a free WeTest meetup session. It was great to share the talk with a more dedicated testing audience, and get lots of questions and engagement afterwards.

  • Agile NZ 2017
    (Wellington, NZ | 06.11.17)
    Automated Agility?! Let's talk truly agile testing.
    I spoke at AgileNZ about what it takes to truly bring testing into the agile world. Far from the "automate everything" approach espoused and attempted by many, effective testing in agile teams requires a blended approach of automation, exploration and monitoring.

  • Quality Software Australia 2017
    (Melbourne, Aus | 10.05.17)
    Exploratory Testing: LIVE
    I brought my live, exploratory testing extravaganza to Australia, and performed a truly live exploratory testing session on a real piece of software on stage - all the while providing a play-by-play commentary as to what I was doing and why. This sought to demonstrate that good exploratory testing is a skilled, conscious activity; allowed me to share some cool testing techniques; and to bring a little bit of practical testing to the traditionally theoretical conference environment.

  • WeTest Wellington Conference 2016
    (Wellington, NZ | 20.10.16)
    Exploratory Testing: LIVE
    I delivered a live exploratory testing session on untested code in a sandbox environment while providing an internal monologue as to what I was thinking, seeking to demonstrate that good exploratory testing is a conscious and highly skilled activity, while also bridging the gap between the theoretical conference environment and my oft-observed preference in testers for practical learning.

  • WeTest Auckland Conference 2016
    (Auckland, NZ | 17.10.16)
    Exploratory Testing: LIVE
    I delivered a live exploratory testing session on untested code in a sandbox environment while providing an internal monologue as to what I was thinking, seeking to demonstrate that good exploratory testing is a conscious and highly skilled activity, while also bridging the gap between the theoretical conference environment and my oft-observed preference in testers for practical learning.

  • WeTest Workshops
    (Auckland, NZ | 08.03.16)
    A Practical on Visual Test Models
    I facilitated a highly practical, hands-on workshop, which was designed to introduce testers to the power of visualising their models. It focused on our ability to expose assumption and interpretation through visualisation, and explored both test- and product-focused visual models.

  • WeTest Workshops
    (Wellington, NZ | 04.03.16)
    Transition to Trade Me: Learning to be context-inspired
    I delievered a short experience report and Q&A sharing the things I have learned in the course of transitioning to a Chapter Lead role with Trade Me. Focusing on the journey from context-imperial clients to a truly context-driven attitude, I identified a new concept of becoming context-inspired.

  • WeTest Weekend Workshops 2015
    (Auckland, NZ | 17.10.15)
    Talking the Walk
    I gave an experience report that focused on the importance of developing a language with which to talk about your testing, to help improve your testing skills and eradicate testing's PR problem.

  • Nordic Testing Days 2015
    (Tallinn, Estonia | 04.06.15)
    Agents of Testing: Earning Your Empowerment
    In the beautiful city of Tallinn, I again gave my talk focusing on earning one's empowerment as a tester, via an illustrated experience report.

  • Let's Test 2015
    (Stockholm, Sweden | 26.05.15)
    Agents of Testing: Earning Your Empowerment
    In Rüno, near Stockholm, I debuted an updated talk on agency in testing, stressing how earning your empowerment is key to becoming an excellent tester by sharing my own journey.

  • WeTest Weekend Workshops 2014
    (Wellington, NZ | 29.11.14)
    So you think you can test...
    I ran a workshop that featured a practical testing challenge that aimed to challenge attendees by forcing them to think differently.

  • Wellington Test Professionals Network
    (Wellington, NZ | 07.10.14)
    Lean, Again: Re-iterating Lean Thinking in Testing
    A repeat of the AgileNZ talk that Joanna and I had given earlier in the year, for a local meet up group.

  • Let's Test Oz 2014
    (Sydney, Australia | 16.09.14)
    Agency in Testing: When seeing isn't believing...
    In Sydney, Australia I gave the first iteration of my talk on the importance of agency in testing, highlighting five key ways for a tester to gain their agency.